
Appendix B, Gateway Directives Reference 107
Entry-Related Directives
Arguments for ELSE and ENDIF
Note that conditions marked with an astericks (*) are supported in all the
directory gateway CGIs, not just dosearch and edit.
<!-- IF "!DirectoryIsLocalDB" -->
The entry was last modified by <!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=modifiersName"
"syntax=dn" "defaultvalue=N/A" "options=readonly" -->
Table 7.8 Conditions supported for ELSE and ENDI
Condition Arguments Description
FoundEntries none Are there any entries being displayed?
Adding none Is the entry being edited a new entry?
Editing none Are we editing an entry?
Displaying none Are we just displaying an entry?
Bound none Is the user authenticated?
BoundAsThisEntry none Is the user authenticated as the entry
we are displaying?
AttributeHasValues attr mincount Does the attribute attr have at least
mincount values? (Not supported in
DS 1.0)
AttributeHasThisValue attr syntax
Does the attribute attr with synatx
syntax have value as one of its values?
(Not supported in DS 1.0)
AdminServer * none Are we running under the
Administration Server? (Not supported
in DS 1.0)
DirectoryIsLocalDB * none Is the Directory Service in use the
LDAP local database? (Not supported
in DS 1.0)
PostedFormValue * name value Is a form variable called name present
that has value as its value? (Not
supported in DS 1.0)