
Adding Search Support for a New Object
64 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
Adding Search Support for a New Object
There are two ways to add search support for a new object:
Update entries in dsgwsearchprefs.conf and dsgwfilter.conf with definitions
of search attributes for the new object. Use this method to add search
support for an object that is a child of another object.
Create new entries in dsgwsearchprefs.conf and desgwfilter.conf for a new
object class. This method requires setting preferences for searching object
class attributes and defining a filter to use in expressing search results.
Extending Search Preferences
The boldface syntax in Example 6.3 shows the introduction of a new object,
airiusPerson, and a new attribute, dateOfBirth, to the search preferences for the
person object class.
Example 6.3 Editing dsgwsearchprefs.conf to Extend a Search Preference
“Search for”:
"full name" cn 111111 "" ""
"last name" sn 111111 "" ""
"phone number" "telephoneNumber" 111011 "" ""
"e-mail address" "mail" 111111 "" ""
"user id" "uid" 111111 "" ""
"title" title 111111 "" ""
“birthdate” dateOfBirth 111011 “ “ “ “
As a result of adding the airiusPerson object class in Example 6.3:
The gateway includes airiusPerson entries in its search for persons.
A “birthdate” field appears on the advanced search form.
The gateway searches the dateofBirth attribute of all entries within the
scope of the search.