Appendix D, Gateway User Help 119
Searching the Directory
Both types of searches permit searching for any of the entry types described in
Table 7.9.
After the directory server completes the search, the directory server interface
displays the search results, which provide links to all matching entries. Clicking
an entry displayed on the search results list displays detailed information about
the entry. If the entry is a person, you can also choose to view the person’s
digital business card (vCard).
Performing a Standard Search
Depending on what is entered, Standard Search determines whether to find
entries that exactly match the criteria, entries that contain the criteria, or entries
that contain words or syllables that sound like the criteria. An LDAP search filter
can also be used in the standard search field.
Table 7.9 Entry Types That Can Be Specified
Type of Entry Description
People Entries that describe a person
NT People Entries that describes an NT user.
Groups Entries that describe a group. Groups may be defined
System Administrators, Tech Writers, or all the people
interested in Fishing, or all the Color Printers at the site.
Groups can also contain other groups.
NT Groups Entries that describe a group of NT users.
Organization Entries that describe an organization. An organization is
usually a single, large entity such as a corporation or a
university. An organization represents a major, static,
subdivision or branch of the directory.
Org-Units Entries that describe an organization unit. Organizational
units describe units within an organization, such as
Accounting, Marketing, or Biology department.
Anything Entries that match the specified search criteria. Anything
useful when the entry you are searching for is not a
person, group, or organization