126 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
• allow or deny access based on the physical machine being used.
The interface prompts the user to authenticate before allowing modifications to
the directory. A user who does not authenticate is allowed those permissions
enabled for anonymous access.
For more information, see the Netscape Directory Server Administrator’s Guide
and the Netscape Directory Server Deployment Guide.
Authenticating to the Directory
Users can explicitly choose to authenticate by clicking the Authentication tab or
wait until the DS interface automatically prompts for authentication before
continuing with an operation. To authenticate to the directory:
1. Click on the Authentication tab. The Authentication tab appears.
2. Enter the name you want to use to identify yourself to the directory server.
To authenticate as a regular user, enter your name as it appears in the
directory server (common name or full name). Do not enter the user ID or
login for a local operating system. To authenticate as the privileged
directory user, click the Authenticate as Directory Manager button. The
directory server displays a table of matching entries.
3. Select the link that corresponds to your directory entry (if the name is
unique in the directory, the system skips this step). The system prompts for
a password.
4. Enter the password and click Continue.
5. Click Return to main to continue to the default gateway.
Maintaining Authentication Credentials
By default, authentication credentials are set to last for 120 minutes before
expiring. The expiration time is configurable by the directory administrator.
When authentication credentials expire while a directory operation is being
performed, re-authentication is necessary before completing the operation.