MU128 Multi Mode
(See page ??.) The drum and drumS1
— S4 settings are not available in the Per-
formance mode (all Parts are fixed to
The Part Mode settings differ depending
on the Sound Module mode selected, as
described below.
For XG mode:
All settings described above are available.
When normal is selected, any of the ba-
sic or the extended set of Voices can be
used for the Part.
For TG300B mode:
The settings normal and drumS1 — S4
are available; drum cannot be selected.
When normal is selected, either the ba-
sic or the extended set of Voices (for the
TG300B mode) can be used for the Part.
For PFM (Performance) mode:
All four Parts are set to normal; none of
the drum settings are available. Any of
the basic or the extended set of Voices
can be used for each Part.
• The following are the default factory set-
XG mode
Part 10 (A10): drumS1
Part 26 (B10): drumS3
Part 42 (C10): drum
Part 58 (D10): drum
Other parts: normal
TG300B mode
Part 10 (A10), Part 26 (B10), Part 42
(C10), Part 58 (D10): drumS1
Other parts: normal
• When two or more different Parts are set to
the same editable drum setup (drumS1 —
S4), any edits made to that drum setup au-
tomatically affect all those Parts. For ex-
ample, when two Parts are set to drumS1,
any changes made to drumS1 affect both
Multi Edit Mode
Range: –12.8 — +12.7
This determines the fine tuning of the
Part’s Voice.
Detune could be used to slightly detune a
Voice compared to the tuning of the rest of
the Voices for a richer sound. It could also be
used to detune two different Voices being
played in unison. For example if two differ-
ent Parts are set to the same MIDI channel
(see Receive Channel above) and same Voice,
a naturally thick chorusing effect can be ob-
tained by slightly detuning each Voice in op-
posite directions here.
Assignment Parameters
Part Mode
Settings: normal, drum, drumS1 — S4
This determines the mode for the Part. A
setting of normal allows selection of the
normal instrument Voices. (See the
The drum setting allows selection of the
drum kits. (See the SOUND LIST &
MIDI DATA booklet.) The drumS1 —
S4 settings are locations for storing spe-
cially programmed drum setups. These
setups can be edited by using the Drum
Setup controls in the Multi Edit mode.
Height of bars indicates selected Part Mode
setting for each Part. (A single bar indicates
“normal” setting.)