MU128 Performance Mode
Performance Mode
In the Performance mode, the MU128 performs as a four-Part tone genera-
tor, with all Parts controlled over a single MIDI channel. The Performance
mode is so named because it’s ideally suited to live performance situations.
It allows you to play four different Voices at the same time from your MIDI
keyboard — either in a layer, or in sophisticated keyboard and velocity
splits. It also gives you comprehensive control over each of the four Parts
for maximum performance flexibility. A total of 200 Performances are avail-
able: 100 Preset and 100 Internal. For basic information on using the Per-
formance Mode, see pages 38 and 70.
Drum Parts are not available in the Performance mode.
Performance Part Control ........................................................... 132
All Part ................................................................................ 132
Single Part ........................................................................... 134
Performance Edit Mode .............................................................. 137
Common ............................................................................ 137
Part ..................................................................................... 140
Copy and Store Operations......................................................... 142
Copy................................................................................... 142
Store ................................................................................... 143
Recall Function ........................................................................... 145