MU 128 Guided Tour
Drum Parts are not available in the Performance mode. However, percussive Voices
(numbers 113 – 120) can be selected.
When editing a Performance:
• Decide how many Parts you want.
When creating a Performance, choose a preset that uses the same number of
Parts (Voices) you intend to use. (You can easily tell how many Parts a Per-
formance has by looking at the “level meters”; a dark bar appears above the
Part numbers that are active.)
• Start with a similar sound.
When editing, it’s a good idea to start with a sound that’s relatively similar to
the one you intend to create. For example, if you want to create an soft, ethe-
real strings pad, you probably wouldn’t start with a brash preset such as
“Dance Chord”! This is not a hard and firm rule, however, since each preset is
only a basic “template” over which you can easily change Voices and create a
completely different sound.
On Your Own...
If you want to, try making changes to some of the other Part controls. The
procedure is the same:
1) Select a Part with the [PART -/+] buttons.
2) Select a control for editing with the [SELECT </>] buttons.
3) Change the setting with the [VALUE -/+] buttons.
4) Use the [EXIT] button as needed to return to “home base.” (When editing
in Single Part, pressing once returns to Voice name and number; pressing
once again returns to All Part.)
For more information on the specific Part controls, see page 134.
Editing in the Performance Mode
Two active Parts