MU 128 Appendix
No RecallPerform!
This message appears if you use the Recall function (page 145) in the Performance
Edit mode when there is no edited Performance data to be recalled.
Not Available
Drum Voices cannot be selected when the Sound Module mode is set to “PFM.”
Not Available with PLG
The selected XG Plug-in board does not have Voices for the selected Voice category.
• An error occurred in the communication between the MU128 and the XG Plug-in
board. Turn off the power and check that the board is properly installed.
• The XG Plug-in board was unable to process incoming MIDI data, probably be-
cause too much data was received too quickly. If possible, avoid sending unneces-
sary data and reduce the amount of data sent to the MU128.
Select BANK Or PGM# First
This message appears if you use the Show MIDI Data function when the Sound
Module mode is set to “PFM” and both the bank number and program number are
selected by the cursors. (The Show MIDI Data function cannot display both values
simultaneously.) Move the cursor to one parameter or the other (bank number or
program number) and use the Show MIDI Data function to check each value indi-
Select drumS1→4 When You Edit
This message appears if you attempt to edit a Drum Voice for a Part whose Part
mode has been set to “drum.” Set the Part mode to one of the drum setups (“drumS1
- S4”) in order to edit the Drum Voice.
Error Messages