The MU128 — What It Is and What It Can Do
the other, and you can mix your own live performance with the sequencer tracks.
Since it’s compatible with General MIDI and XG, the MU128 is a natural for
multimedia applications. Bring it with you to a presentation — since the com-
puter interface is built-in to the MU128, it hooks up instantly and easily to the
computer’s serial port or printer port, without the need for any other equipment.
About the Modes of the MU128
The MU128 has two main operating modes: Multi and Performance. In Multi
mode, the MU128 is a 64-Part multi-timbral tone generator; in Performance
mode, the MU128 effectively functions as four tone generators controlled
over a single MIDI channel.
Which mode the MU128 is in depends on the selected Sound Module
mode. If XG or TG300B are selected, the MU128 automatically sets itself to
the Multi mode. When PFM is selected, the MU128 is in the Performance
mode. (For information on selecting the Sound Module mode, see page 170.)
Each mode provides compatibility with different music software and hard-
XG: This mode provides the full potential of the MU128, giving you
access to the 1149 XG Voices.
TG300B: This mode provides compatibility with the GM-B mode of the
TG300 Tone Generator.
PFM: This mode (Performance) lets you play four Voices simultaneously
over a single MIDI channel. (For more information on using the
Performance mode, see pages 38 and 70.)
The bottom right of the display indicates the currently selected Sound Mod-
ule mode.
Selected Sound Module mode.