MU128 Utility Mode
System Functions (SYSTEM)
Receive System On (RcvSysOn)
Settings: off, on
This determines whether GM System On
or XG System On messages are received
or not. The on setting allows these mes-
sages to be received.
If you’ve changed any of the panel settings
on the MU128 and wish to keep those
changes while playing back song data, set-
ting this to “off” prevents those changes from
being cancelled or reset by playing back the
song data from the beginning.
Receive System Exclusive (RcvSysExcl)
Settings: off, on
This determines whether System Exclu-
sive messages are received or not. Sys-
tem Exclusive messages are data specifi-
cally (or “exclusively”) related to the
MU128. The On setting allows these mes-
sages to be received. This should be to
On when receiving bulk data from a MIDI
data storage device. (page 162.)
Receive Bank Select (RcvBankSel)
Settings: off, on
This determines whether Bank Select
messages are received or not. Bank Se-
lect messages can be sent from another
MIDI device to change the banks of
Voices on the MU128. (pages 50-53.) The
On setting allows Bank Select messages
to be received.
Range: 1 — 8
This determines the contrast of the dis-
play. Adjust this as necessary for optimum
visibility. (At extreme settings, the dis-
play may not be readable.)