PowerEdge R210 Technical Guide 61
17 Peripherals
17.1 USB
All PowerEdge systems have a minimum of 2 front-accessible USB 2.0 compliant ports
with enough spacing around to accommodate full usage of both connectors
simultaneously along with any/all other front panel features (Video connector,
buttons, LED’s, etc.) without mechanical interference. These ports are connected to
the same controller and not shared with internal or back USB ports
For security reasons, all external USB ports must have an enable/disable function.
Disabling USB controllers must observe the hierarchy in Table 29 (listed from lowest to
highest priority in a 4 controller design).
Internal USB ports connected to internal persistent storage devices have an
enable/disable function independent of the other ports present in the system.
Table 29. USB Controller Priorities
USB Controller Function If Disabled
4 (Lowest) Internal USB peripherals No other Controller is disabled
3 Front USB Controller 4 is disabled as well
2 Back USB Controllers 3 & 4 are disabled as well
1 (Highest) Remote Access (RAC) Controllers 2,3, & 4 are disabled as well
The above hierarchy dictates that connections that are lower in the hierarchy must be
disabled anytime a higher level connection is disabled (e.g., when Back USB is disabled
the Front USB ports are also disabled).
17.2 USB Device
Optional external USB DVD-ROM.