Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 118
March 2012
Appendix B - Conguration Examples
Radio Conguration Using SNMP
1.) Load the DLINK-WLAN-ACCESS-POINT-X600-MIB module.
2.) From the MIB tree, navigate to the objects in the apRadio table (apRadioBss > apRadioTable).
3.) Use the apRadioStatus object to set the status of Radio 12 to up (1).
4.) Use the apRadioMode object to set the Radio 12 mode to IEEE 802.11b/g/n, which is bg-n (4).
5.) Use the apRadioChannelPolicy object to set the channel policy to static (1), which disables the automatic
channel assignment.
6.) Use the apRadioStaticChannel object to set the channel to 6.
7.) Use the apRadioChannelBandwith object to set the channel bandwidth for Radio 12 to forty-MHz (2).
8.) Use the apRadioTxPower object to set the transmission power on Radio 12 to 75.
9.) Navigate to the objects in the apBssTable.
10.) Use the apBssMaxStations object to set the value of the maximum allowed stations to 100.
Conguring the Wireless Distribution System
This examples shows how to congure a WDS link between two APs. The local AP is MyAP1 and has a MAC address
of 00:1B:E9:16:32:40, and the remote AP is MyAP2 with a MAC address of 00:30:AB:00:00:B0.
The WDS link has the following settings, which must be congured on both APs:
•) Encryption: WPA (PSK)
•) SSID: wds-link
•) Key: abcdefghijk
WDS Conguration from the Web Interface
To create a WDS link between a pair of access points “MyAP1” and “MyAP2” use the following steps:
1.) Log onto MyAP1 and navigate to the Manage > WDS page.
Figure 71 - WDS Conguration from the Web Interface
The MAC address for MyAP1 (the access point you are currently viewing) is automatically provided in the Local
Address eld.
2.) Enter the MAC address for MyAP2 in the Remote Address eld, or click the arrow next to the eld and select
the MAC address of MyAP2 from the pop-up list.
3.) Select WPA (PSK) from the Encryption menu.
4.) Enter wds-link in the SSID eld and abcdefghijk in the Key eld.
5.) Click Apply to apply the WDS settings to the AP.
6.) Log onto MyAP2 and repeat steps 2-5 (but be sure to use the MAC address of MyAP1 in the Remote Address
Note: MyAP1 and MyAP2 must be set to the same IEEE 802.11 Mode and be transmitting on the
same channel.