Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 36
March 2012
Section 4 - Managing the Access Point
Field Description
Hostname Enter a hostname for the AP. The hostname appears in the CLI prompt.
•) The hostname has the following requirements:
•) The length must be between 1 – 63 characters.
•) Upper and lower case characters, numbers, and hyphens are accepted.
•) The rst character must be a letter (a – z or A – Z), and the last character cannot be a
MAC Address Shows the MAC address for the LAN interface for the Ethernet port on this AP. This is a
read-only eld that you cannot change.
Management VLAN
The management VLAN is the VLAN associated with the IP address you use to access the
AP. The default management VLAN ID is 1.
Provide a number between 1 and 4094 for the management VLAN ID.
Untagged VLAN If you disable the untagged VLAN, all trafc is tagged with a VLAN ID.
By default all trafc on the UAP uses VLAN 1, which is the default untagged VLAN. This
means that all trafc is untagged until you disable the untagged VLAN, change the untagged
trafc VLAN ID, or change the VLAN ID for a VAP or client using RADIUS.
Untagged VLAN ID Provide a number between 1 and 4094 for the untagged VLAN ID. Trafc on the VLAN that
you specify in this eld will not be tagged with a VLAN ID.
Connection Type If you select DHCP, the UAP acquires its IP address, subnet mask, DNS, and gateway
information from a DHCP server.
If you select Static IP, you must enter information in the Static IP Address, Subnet Mask,
and Default Gateway elds.
Static IP Address Enter the static IP address in the text boxes. This eld is disabled if you use DHCP as the
connection type.
Subnet Mask Enter the Subnet Mask in the text boxes.
Default Gateway Enter the Default Gateway in the text boxes.
DNS Nameservers Select the mode for the DNS.
In Dynamic mode, the IP addresses for the DNS servers are assigned automatically via
DHCP. This option is only available if you specied DHCP for the Connection Type.
In Manual mode, you must assign static IP addresses to resolve domain names.
IPv6 Admin Mode Enable or disable IPv6 management access to the AP
IPv6 Auto Cong
Admin Mode
Enable or disable IPv6 auto address conguration on the AP.
When IPv6 Auto Cong Mode is enabled, automatic IPv6 address conguration and gateway
conguration is allowed by processing the Router Advertisements received on the LAN port.
The AP can have multiple auto congured IPv6 addresses.
Static IPv6 Address Enter a static IPv6 address. The AP can have a static IPv6 address even if addresses have
already been congured automatically.
Static IPv6 Address
Prex Length
Enter the static IPv6 prex length, which is an integer in the range of 0 – 128.
IPv6 Autocongured
Global Addresses
If the AP has been assigned one or more IPv6 addresses automatically, the addresses are
IPv6 Link Local
Shows the IPv6 Link Local address, which is the IPv6 address used by the local physical
link. The link local address is not congurable and is assigned by using the IPv6 Neighbor
Discovery process.
Default IPv6
Enter the default IPv6 gateway.
Table 17 - Ethernet Settings
Note: After you congure the wired settings, you must click Apply to apply the changes and
to save the settings. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system
processes. If this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity. We recommend that
you change AP settings when WLAN trafc is low.