Connections ........................... 79
Equipment, Needed ..........66, 79
Using ..................................... 66
Quick Menu
Programming the ................... 22
Using the ............................... 22
Quick QSY .................................. 34
Radio Teletypewriting .... (See RTTY)
Reference Frequency Calibration
.............................................. 82
Repeater Operation .................... 31
Full ........................................ 88
Partial .................................... 88
RF Gain ...................................... 18
RIT ............................................. 35
Operation .............................. 77
Tone ...................................... 42
RX DSP Equalizer ....................... 64
RX Monitor .................................. 64
RX Pitch Frequency .................... 29
All-Channel ............................ 58
Carrier-Operated mode .......... 58
Group .................................... 59
Group Select .......................... 59
Hold ....................................... 57
Memory, Group ...................... 59
Program ................................. 56
Resume Method .................... 58
Time-Operated mode ............. 58
Semi Break-in ............................. 39
Changing, the Volume ............ 29
Pitch .......(See Pitch, Frequency)
Sky Command II .................... 73, 80
Slow Scan TV ...............(See SSTV)
SO-3 ........................................... 81
Specifications .............................. 91
Speech Processor ....................... 37
Split-Frequency Operation .......... 30
Squelch, Adjusting ...................... 19
SSB, Transmission ...................... 27
SSTV .......................................... 44
TF-SET ....................................... 30
Time-Operated Mode .................. 58
Time-out Timer ............................ 65
Activating the Function ........... 32
Frequency ID Scan ................ 32
Selecting a, Frequency .......... 32
Transmitting a ........................ 32
1750 Hz ................................. 32
Tuning control Adjustment Rate
.............................................. 35
Transmit Inhibit ........................... 38
Transmission ............. 20, 27~29, 36
Transverter ................................. 65
Troubleshooting .......................... 84
TX Equalizer ............................... 38
TX Filter Bandwidth ..................... 38
TX Monitor .................................. 65
TX Power ...............................20, 65
TX/ RX Unit ............................15, 16
TX Tune ...................................... 66
USB ............................... (see SSB)
Equalizing (A=B) .................... 35
Programmable ....................... 54
Scan ...................................... 56
Selecting A or B ..................... 18
VGS-1 Voice Guide and Storage
Unit (optional) ........................ 68, 81
Announcement Speed ........... 71
Announcement Volume .......... 71
Checking Messages ............... 69
Constant Recording ............... 69
Erasing a Recorded
Message ................................ 69
Installation ............................. 81
Interval Time, Changing ......... 69
Message Playback ................. 69
Message Playback Volume .... 69
Recording Messages ............. 68
Sending Messages ................ 69
VOICE1 ................................. 70
VOICE2 ................................. 70
Voice Guide ........................... 70
AF Gain ................................. 18
RF Gain ................................. 18
VOX (Voice-Operated Transmit)
Delay Time ............................. 36
Microphone Input Level .......... 36
XIT .............................................. 37
Zero-Beat, Auto ........................... 29
60 m Band Operation .................. 89