Lowrance electronic HDS-7 Fish Finder User Manual

EBL/VRM menu
Places selected Electronic Bearing Line and Variable
Range Marker on the display.
To select an EBL/VRM:
Press the 1. MENU key.
Use the keypad to select the 2. EBL/VRM and
press ENTER.
Use the keypad to move the EBL and increase/3.
decrease the size of the VRM. Press EXIT.
Adjusts size and location of active EBL/VRM.
To adjust an EBL/VRM:
From the Radar menu highlight 1. EBL/VRM and press ENTER.
Select 2. Adjust and press ENTER.
Use the keypad to make adjustments to the EBL/VRM. Press 3. EXIT.
Data Box
Turns on/off on screen EBL/VRM information
To turn on/off the EBL/VRM information box,
highlight Data box on the EBL/VRM menu and
press ENTER.
Data box
EBL/VRM menu