Re-arming Your PFD After Manual Inflation (MD2010)
1. To re-arm your Mustang Inflatable PFD, unscrew and
discard the used CO2 cylinder.
2. To check that the inflator is fully operational, pull
down on the lanyard and see if the piercing pin travels
freely (Fig. 14). Both the pin and the lever should
easily return to their original position.
3. After using your Mustang Inflatable PFD, always rinse
it with tap water to remove dirt and salt. Let the PFD
air-dry before re-arming with new CO2 cylinder.
4. Make sure the manual
lever is in the up-and-
ready position and the
green indicator pin has
been replaced. Screw the
new CO2 cylinder hand
tight into the inflator.
Do not over-tighten as
this can damage the
internal gasket.
5. Refold the PFD according to the repacking instructions.
Special Consideration for Automatic Devices (MD2012)
Premature automatic inflation causes several risks that you
must address to avoid drowning. The PFD might not be
armed when needed, either knowingly or unknowingly.
Much less common but also important are:
1. Double inflation (CO2 cylinder inflation after full oral
inflation) could damage the PFD,
2. Inflation when stored in a tight space could damage
the PFD, and
3. The PFD could inflate when you are in an awkward
place or position. Inadvertant inflation may occur
in certain conditions, including when the device is:
• Subjected to splashing
• In high humidity
• In heavy fog
• In the rain