• S (< 2 sec) - to save that Lap and display the next (up to 9,
then restart with 1), with the time continuing to count up.
• A (< 2 sec) - to stop the Timer and recall Lap 1 displaying
it's time, repeat to recall other Lap times.
• A (2 sec) - to reset time to 0:00:00_00.
• S (2 sec) - to exit and revert to the Chrono Lead-in screen.
When set On, the Daily Alarm will -
> be synchronized with the Watch Default Time selected
> sound the Audible at the Time set every day
> not sound the Audible while operating in DC Modes
> run in the background until set Off
Daily Alarm Lead-in, information includes (Fig. 15):
> Graphics AL and DAILY with alarm (speaker) icon
• S (< 2 sec) - to access Chrono Status.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward to Daily Alarm Lead-in.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to CDT Lead-in.
Daily Alarm Status, information includes (Fig. 16):
> Alarm (speaker) icon
> Alarm Time set (hr:min) with AM (or PM) icon if 12 Hour
> Graphic AL -
> Graphic ON (or OFF) flashing