22 C656M-E (4/07)
A zone is a pan area, defined by a left and right limit, on the 360-degree pan plane. To program a zone
using a Vicon controller (refer to the manual supplied with the controller):
IMPORTANT: (Spectra III/Spectra IV and ExSite systems only): After programming a zone, always enable
the zone through the Pelco unit programming menu. Refer to the operation/programming manual supplied
with the Pelco system.
Operation Notes:
1. Focus speed cannot be set with the Vicon controller.
2. The Event Tour function on the Vicon controller does not function.
3. On-screen titling is only available on Spectra III/Spectra IV (v1.28 and higher).
4. Zone labels use only defaults (Zone 1, Zone 2, etc.)
5. Upon completion of pattern programming, issue an end pattern command (91 Set on the Vicon
controller) to enable Turbo speed during panning. If this is not done, Turbo speed will be unavailable
until 10 minutes after starting pattern programming.
6. Alarms from the Pelco receiver will not activate alarm LEDs on the Vicon controller.
7. LEDs on the Vicon controller may be out of sync when the receiver’s start-up defaults are changed,
when the receiver is reset, or if a receiver alarm triggers a status change. To correct, press and
release the affected key.
8. The communication parameters that are displayed momentarily on the selected monitor immediately
after initial power-up pertain only to the communication link between the translator board and the
Pelco unit. Communication parameters between the translator board and the Vicon controller are
selected with jumpers P3 and P4.
Step Procedure
1. Set left zone limit. a. Position the Pelco unit at the left limit of the zone.
b. Issue the zone start command (PRG 8# PRESET) for the zone
number being programmed; # is a number between 0 and 7 that
represents zones 1 through 8.
2. Set right zone limit. a. Position the Pelco unit at the right limit of the zone.
b. Issue the zone end command by pressing the Auto Pan key.
3. Enable the zone label display.
Issue the enable zone label command (PRG 95 PRESET) to display
the zone label.