The Zebra Keyboard Display Unit
P1059693-001 Rev. A ZKDU User’s Guide 6/4/2013
The Zebra Keyboard Display Unit
The Zebra Keyboard Display Unit (ZKDU) is a terminal unit that interfaces with Zebra
label printers in a standalone capacity.
The ZKDU is designed to print pre-stored forms (print layout formats) in Zebra label
printers that support EPL (EPL2) or ZPL (ZPL II) label format programming languages.
Some Zebra label printers have EPL (only), some ZPL (only), and some later model Zebra
label printers that simultaneous support both ZPL and EPL printer languages. Depending
upon the print form’s format, the operator can be prompted via the form’s data entry
format and the ZKDU’s form access and print controls to enter data, serial numbers,
reprint quantity, and batch print quantities.
The ZKDU has sixty-two (62) keys and a 2-line, 20 character LCD display. The ZKDU is
powered by and communicates with the printer through an RS232 serial port with a DB-9
(standard printers). The ZKDU includes a low current auxiliary serial port for attaching a
scanner, scale or other peripheral devices. The ZKDU has been designed to interface with
many Zebra label printers that support EPL2 and ZPL II Zebra printer programming
The ZKDU is strictly a terminal and does not have the capability to store data or configure
ZKDU or printer parameters. The ZKDU is used for the following functions:
• List label forms stored in printer
• Retrieve label forms stored in printer
• Input variable data
• Print labels
• Switching between EPL and ZPL to dual support both language form types that can
be stored and printed in many of later model Zebra label printers
The ZKDU is designed as a direct replacement for the Zebra KDU (Keyboard Display
Unit) and the KDU Plus as a functional replacement when operating in Forms mode. It
does not support terminal, setup, or file modes of the KDU Plus. See the Zebra Website for
the new, existing and legacy label printers supported by the ZKDU, KDU and KDU Plus
keyboard display units.
The ZKDU features automatic printer configuration detection of:
• The Zebra label printer’s serial port type (DTE or DCE). Eliminates the need for
cable adapters used with some printer models and the KDU.
• The ZKDU tests and configures communications and forms processing to match the
printer’s default label printing language: EPL or ZPL.
The ZKDU has limited language locale support. It supports the EPL keyboard character
variations based on the printer’s language code page and region setting. For EPL forms,
Zebra has included keyboard overlay strips for use with one of 14 different locales
supported by the printer’s EPL
For a list of Zebra label printers supported by the ZKDU, see the following Zebra Website