To use setup data from a le remotely:
1 Create the folder for the setup le on the remote server.
a Connect to the remote server.
ssh root@<server address>
b Create the saved setup folder on the remote server.
mkdir /Auto\ Server\ Setup
2 Copy the saved setup le from the administrator computer to the remote target
The password is the same for ssh connections during installation. For more
information abotu passwords, see “About Server Serial Numbers for Default Installation
Passwords” on page 90.
scp <local setup file> root@<server address>:"/Auto\ Server\ Setup"
3 Restart the server using the command-line tool shutdown.
a Connect to the remote server.
ssh root@<server address>
b Restart the remote server.
shutdown -r now
Setting a Mac OS X Server Serial Number from the Command Line
After an automatic setup, you might need to set a specic Mac OS X serial number
for your server. For example, you might have completed an automatic setup with a
generic setup data prole and now you need to put individual serial numbers to their
respective servers.
To set the server serial number
sudo serversetup -setServerSerialNumber <serialnumber-dash-separated>
[<name> <organization>]
12 0 Chapter 6 Initial Server Setup