
Chapter 3 Administration Tools 47
System Image Management
You can use the following Mac OS X Server applications to set up and manage
NetBoot and NetInstall images:
 System Image Utility creates Mac OS X disk images. It’s installed with Mac OS X Server
software in the /Applications/Server/ folder.
The System Image Utility interface is shown below.
 Server Admin enables and congures NetBoot service and supporting services.
It’s installed with Mac OS X Server software in the /Applications/Server/ folder.
 PackageMaker creates package les that you use to add software to disk images.
Access PackageMaker from Xcode Tools. An installer for Xcode Tools is on the server
Install DVD in the Other Installs folder.
 Property List Editor edits property lists such as NBImageInfo.plist. Access Property List
Editor from Xcode Tools.
The online help and Mac OS X Server Resources website at
www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/ provide instructions for using
all these applications.
Media Streaming Management
The online help and Mac OS X Server Resources website at
www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/ provide instructions for administering
QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) using Server Admin and QuickTime Broadcaster.