
Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management 159
Web Service
File type Location
Conguration les /etc/apache2/* (for Apache 2.2)
/etc/httpd/* (for Apache 1.3)
Data: (default locations) /Library/WebServer/Documents/
(Apache cong migration log)
The default location for web content is congurable and is most likely modied and
extended to include multiple virtual host content and WebDAV directories.
Note: Log les for web service are a critical source of revenue for some sites and
should be considered for backup. The location is congurable and can be determined
using Server Admin.
Wiki and Blog Server
File type Location
Conguration les /etc/wikid/*
/Library/Application Support/Apple/
WikiServer(wiki themes and template les)
Data: (default locations) /Library/Collaboration/
Log les: (default location) /Library/Logs/wikid/*
Improving Service Availability
Eliminating single points of failure and using Xserve and hardware RAID can boost
your server availability.
Other things you can do range from simple solutions like using power backup,
automatic restart, and ensuring proper operational conditions (for example, adequate
temperature and humidity levels) to more advanced solutions involving link
aggregation, load balancing, Open Directory replication, and data backup.
Eliminating Single Points of Failure
To improve the availability of your server, reduce or eliminate single points of failure.
A single point of failure is any component in your server environment that, if it fails,
causes your server to fail.