Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management 155
Service Conguration Assistants
Server Admin has conguration assistants to guide you through setting up services
that require more setup than a single conguration pane. The assistants present you
with all conguration panes necessary to fully enable a service.
Assistants are available for the following services:
 Server Assistant: This assistant helps you congure remote servers, install
Mac OS X Server remotely, and make automatic server setup data les.
 Gateway Setup: This assistant helps you set up your server as a network gateway.
Launch the assistant using a button in the lower right side of NAT service’s Overview
 Mail: This assistant helps you set up incoming and outgoing mail service. Launch
the assistant using a button in the lower right side of Mail service’s Overview page.
 RADIUS: This assistant helps you set up RADIUS authentication for Apple Airport
wireless access points. Launch the assistant using a button in the lower right side of
RADIUS service’s Overview page.
 Xgrid: This assistant helps you set up Xgrid controllers. Launch the assistant using a
button in the lower right side of Xgrid service’s Overview page.
Critical Conguration and Data Files
When backing up system settings and data, take special care to make sure all your
critical conguration les are backed up. The nature and frequency of your backups
depend on your organization’s backup, archive and restore policies.
For more information about creating a backup and restore policy, see “Dening Backup
and Restore Policies” on page 31.
The following is a list of conguration and data les for services available on
Mac OS X Server.
Time Machine backs up service states and conguration les, but not les with your
created data. To see which services Time Machine backs up, see “Understanding Time
Machine as a Server Backup Tool” on page 36.
File type Location
Service states /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/*
SSH conguration les and host’s public / private
System keychain /Library/Keychains/System.keychain