
Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management 155
Service Conguration Assistants
Server Admin has conguration assistants to guide you through setting up services
that require more setup than a single conguration pane. The assistants present you
with all conguration panes necessary to fully enable a service.
Assistants are available for the following services:
 Server Assistant: This assistant helps you congure remote servers, install
Mac OS X Server remotely, and make automatic server setup data les.
 Gateway Setup: This assistant helps you set up your server as a network gateway.
Launch the assistant using a button in the lower right side of NAT service’s Overview
 Mail: This assistant helps you set up incoming and outgoing mail service. Launch
the assistant using a button in the lower right side of Mail service’s Overview page.
 RADIUS: This assistant helps you set up RADIUS authentication for Apple Airport
wireless access points. Launch the assistant using a button in the lower right side of
RADIUS service’s Overview page.
 Xgrid: This assistant helps you set up Xgrid controllers. Launch the assistant using a
button in the lower right side of Xgrid service’s Overview page.
Critical Conguration and Data Files
When backing up system settings and data, take special care to make sure all your
critical conguration les are backed up. The nature and frequency of your backups
depend on your organization’s backup, archive and restore policies.
For more information about creating a backup and restore policy, see “Dening Backup
and Restore Policies” on page 31.
The following is a list of conguration and data les for services available on
Mac OS X Server.
Time Machine backs up service states and conguration les, but not les with your
created data. To see which services Time Machine backs up, see “Understanding Time
Machine as a Server Backup Tool” on page 36.
File type Location
Service states /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/*
SSH conguration les and host’s public / private
System keychain /Library/Keychains/System.keychain