
OpenCL support Â
Mac OS X Server v10.6 supports OpenCL and makes it possible for developers to use
the GPU for general computational tasks.
What’s New in Server Admin
Included with Mac OS X Server v10.6 is Server Admin, Apple’s powerful, exible, full-
featured server administration tool. Server Admin is reinforced with improvements
in standards support and reliability. Server Admin also delivers a number of
Newly rened, streamlined, and integrated Server Assistant Â
Smoother interaction with Server Preferences settings Â
Improved user interface Â
Understanding Server Conguration Methods
You can congure and manage Mac OS X Server using two conguration
methods: Server Preferences, or the advanced conguration tool suite, which includes
Server Admin and its command-line utilities.
Servers administered using the advanced tool suite are the most exible and require
the most skill to administer. Servers administered by Server Preferences have fewer
conguration options, but most conguration details are set by Server Preferences,
without additional skill or labor. You can customize your server for a variety of
purposes using either method.
Using Server Admin and the rest of the advanced conguration tool suite, the
experienced system administrator has complete control of each service’s conguration
to accommodate a wide variety of needs. After performing initial setup with Setup
Assistant, you use powerful administration applications such as Server Admin and
Workgroup Manager, or command-line tools, to congure advanced settings for
services the server must provide.
Using Server Preferences, you can get standard congurations of Mac OS X Server
features using automated setup and simplied administration. For more information
about using Server Preferences to administer your server, see Getting Started.
You can switch between Server Admin and Server Preferences. The setting changes
in one application are reected in the other’s settings. However, some advanced or
custom congurations can’t be inspected or changed in Server Preferences, due to
Server Preferences’ simplied interface.
18 Chapter 1 System Overview and Supported Standards