To change the IP address of the Podcast Producer computer:
1 Stop the Xgrid job queue when empty (or stop and empty it).
2 Recongure DNS, Open Directory, DHCP, and other infrastructure services.
For example, in DNS, change the A record IP address of the Podcast Producer server.
3 Use changeip to change the IP address of the Podcast Producer server.
4 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of) all Podcast Camera Agents.
5 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of) all Xgrid Agents used for the Podcast Producer
workow grid.
Alternatively, instead of restarting the computers, you ush the Directory services
cache (using dscacheutil and sending a HUP to the mDNSResponder daemon).
To change the DNS name of the Podcast Producer computer:
1 Stop the Xgrid job queue when empty (or stop and empty it).
2 Recongure DNS, Open Directory, DHCP, and other infrastructure services.
For example, in DNS, change the A record host name of the Podcast Producer server.
3 Use changeip to change the DNS name of the Podcast Producer server.
4 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of) all Podcast Camera Agents.
5 Restart (or renew the DHCP leases of) all Xgrid Agents used for the Podcast Producer
workow grid.
Alternatively, instead of restarting the computers, ush the Directory services cache
(using dscacheutil and sending a HUP to the mDNSResponder daemon).
6 Unbind the Podcast Camera Agents from the previous DNS name and rebind them to
the new name.
7 Recongure Xgrid Agents to use the new DNS name.
8 Recongure services used in the workow to reference the new DNS name, if needed.
9 Update and reissue an SSL certicates that contain the server’s DNS name.
10 Recongure Kerberos service on the server (using Directory Binding or ssoutil).
11 Update any scripted or automated software that submits data to or polls data from
Podcast Producer.
Understanding IP Address or Network Identity Changes on Other
The remaining services aected by changes to the IP address or network identity
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142 Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management