Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup 41
Viewing a User’s Quota Usage
When a mail user is over quota, Server Admin (in the Mail> Maintenance > Accounts
pane) reports a percent free which is negative. This percent is proportional to the
amount the user is over quota.
For example, suppose a user has a 2 MB quota and has received 5 MB of mail. This is 3 MB
over quota, which is 150% over quota. Server Admin reports this as “-150% of quota.”
Conguring Quota Warnings
When a user’s mailbox approaches its storage quota, you can warn users of an
impending quota violation. You choose whether to warn the mail user, how often to
warn him or her, and at what point to send the warning.
To congure quota warnings:
1 In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Quotas tab.
4 Click Enable quota warnings.
5 Enter the maximum percentage of storage usage before a warning is sent.
6 Enter the frequency of the warning notice, in number of days.
7 If you want to customize the quota warning notication, click Edit Quota Warning
Message and customize the message.
8 Click Save.
Congure Quota Violation Responses
When a mail user has more mail in storage than is allowed for his or her quota, the
mail server recognizes a quota violation. There are typically two responses to quota
violation: a violation notice, and suspension of Mail service.
To congure quota violation responses:
1 In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Quotas tab.
4 Click Enable Quota Warnings.
5 To customize the quota violation notication, click Edit Quota Warning Message,
then customize the message.
6 To suspend Mail service for users who exceed their quotas, select “Disable a user’s
incoming mail when they exceed 100% of quota.”
7 To customize the over-quota message, click Edit Over Quota Error Message and then
customize the message.
8 Click Save.