
4 Select the list to remove the subscriber from.
5 Select the subscriber from the User pane.
To select multiple subscribers, hold down the Shift or Command key.
6 Click the Remove (-) button under the Email Address pane.
Changing Subscriber Posting Privileges
Sometimes you might want an announce-only list, where recipients can’t post
messages. You can limit the subscriber’s ability to post and create announce-only lists.
To add or remove a subscriber’s posting privileges:
1 In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Mailing Lists tab.
4 Select the list that has the subscriber.
5 Click the Edit (/) button under the Mailing Lists pane.
To select multiple subscribers, hold down the Shift or Command key.
6 Select or deselect the Post checkbox as necessary.
This setting determines whether the user can send messages to the list.
7 Click OK.
Suspending a Subscriber
You can keep a user on a mail list and still allow him or her to post to a list without
receiving list messages. In this case, you temporarily suspend a user’s subscription to a list.
To suspend a user’s subscription to a list:
1 In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Mailing Lists tab.
4 Select the List that has the subscriber.
5 Click the Edit (/) button under the Mailing Lists pane.
Hold down the Shift or Command key to select multiple subscribers.
6 Deselect or select “Subscribe” as necessary.
7 Click OK.
54 Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup