
When a Disk Is Full
Mail service becomes erratic if the disk storing your mail reaches maximum capacity.
When your disk reaches full capacity, you’ll experience the following:
 Postx: If the operating system can still spawn the smtpd process, Postx tries to
function and attempts to accept the message. The message is then rejected with a
“disk full” error. Otherwise, its behavior is unpredictable.
 Dovecot: If the operating system can still spawn an imapd or pop3d process, the
server attempts to open the user’s mail account. Upon success, the user can access
mail as normal.
When Mail Is Undeliverable
Mail messages might be undeliverable for several reasons. Incoming mail might be
undeliverable because it has a misspelled address or is addressed to a deleted user
account. Outgoing mail might be undeliverable because it’s misaddressed or the
destination mail server isn’t working.
You can congure Mail service to:
Forward undeliverable incoming mail Â
Limit the number of attempts to deliver problematic outgoing mail Â
Report failed delivery attempts Â
Use a dierent timeout value to increase the chance of connection success Â
Forwarding Undeliverable Incoming Mail
Mail service can forward messages that arrive for unknown local users to another real
local person or a group in your organization. Whoever receives forwarded mail that’s
incorrectly addressed (with a typo in the address, for example) can forward it to the
correct recipient.
If forwarding of these undeliverable messages isn’t explicitly enabled, the messages
are returned to sender.
To forward undeliverable mail, see “Unsubscribing from a Mailing List Via Web” on
page 56.
Where to Find More Information
You can nd more information about Mail service in books and on the Internet.
92 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Mail Service