The computer responds with the following output:
mail:nbSamples = <samples>
mail:v2Legend = "throughput"
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:0:vn = <sample>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:0:t = <time>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:1:vn = <sample>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:1:t = <time>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:i:vn = <sample>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:i:t = <time>
mail:v1Legend = "connections"
afp:currentServerTime = <servertime>
Value displayed by getHistory Description
The total number of samples listed.
The numerical value of the sample.
For connections (
v1), this is integer average
number of users.
For throughput, (
v2), this is integer bytes per
The time when the sample was measured.
A standard UNIX time (number of seconds since
September 1, 1970). Samples are taken every 60
90 Chapter 4 Monitoring and Maintaining Mail Service