If the service is running, click Stop Mail.
From the command line:
Start and stop the Mail service using the serveradmin command.
To start the Mail service: m
sudo serveradmin start mail
To stop the Mail service: m
sudo serveradmin stop mail
If you plan to turn o Mail service for an extended period of time, notify users before
you stop the service.
You can determine whether your Mail service is running via ssh or using Terminal by
typing sudo serveradmin status mail.
Reloading Mail Service
Sometimes it’s necessary to reload the mail server for Mail service setting changes
to take eect (for example, after restoring from backup, or altering the alias le).
Reloading Mail service can be done without interrupting current Mail service.
To reload Mail service from the command line:
$ sudo postfix reload
Holding Outbound Mail
You can prevent Mail service from sending outgoing mail. You might do this to isolate
a problem or to prevent conicts with another Mail service running on your network.
You might also do this to stop virus propagation or a spam relay originating with
your server.
Holding mail isn’t the same as disabling SMTP service. Disabling prevents user
connections from sending outgoing mail, but holding queues the mail for later
sending. Mail is held in the outbound mail queue for inspection or deletion until
you stop the hold.
To hold outbound mail:
1 In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Click Hold Outbound Mail.
5 Click Save.
84 Chapter 4 Monitoring and Maintaining Mail Service