Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup 47
Customizing the Mailing List Welcome Message
When subscribers join a mailing list, by assignment or self-subscription, they receive
an automated welcome message. The message explains where to nd the list archives
and how to unsubscribe. You can customize it by adding text, describing the list
culture and rules, or including any other information you want subscribers to have.
You use the web interface to set the mailing list welcome message. Web services must
be enabled to access the web interface.
To customize a welcome message:
1 In a web browser, enter the URL of the list administration page.
This is usually server.domain.tld/mailman/admin/listname.
2 Enter the master list password.
This is not the user’s login password. The master list password was set when mailing lists
were enabled on the server. It was mailed to list administrators designated at that time.
3 Make sure that General Options is selected from the Conguration Categories link section.
4 Enable “Send welcome message to newly subscribed members.”
5 Enter the text you want to include in the “List-specic text prepended” text box.
6 Click Submit Your Changes.
Customizing the Mailing List Unsubscribe Message
When a user is unsubscribed from a mailing list, by the list administrator or by
unsubscribing, the user receives an automated unsubscribe message. The message
conrms the unsubscribing. You can customize it by adding information you want
users to have upon leaving the list.
You use the web interface to set the mailing list welcome message. Web services must
be enabled to access the web interface.
To customize the subscriber welcome message:
1 In a web browser, enter the URL of the list administration page.
This is usually server.domain.tld/mailman/admin/listname.
2 Enter the master list password.
This is not the user’s login password. The master list password was set when mailing lists
were enabled on the server. It was mailed to list administrators designated at that time.
3 Make sure that General Options is selected from the Conguration Categories link section.
4 Enable “Send goodbye message to members.”
5 Enter the text you want to include in the “Text sent to people leaving the list” text box.
6 Click Submit Your Changes.