This guide provides a starting point for administering Mail
Service using its advanced administration tools. It contains
information about conguring Mail Service using Server
Mail Service Administration might not be the only guide you need when administering
Mail Service, but it gives you the basics beyond initial Mac OS X Server conguration.
What’s in This Guide
This guide includes the following sections:
Chapter  1, “Understanding Mail Service,” gives an overview of the components of
the Mac OS X Server Mail service.
Chapter  2, “Mail Service Setup,” includes everything you need to set up and
congure Mail service and to support and congure mail users.
Chapter  3, “Mail Service Advanced Conguration,” builds on the basic setup
instructions to help you ne tune your mail server, especially concerning security
settings and data storage.
Chapter  4, “Monitoring and Maintaining Mail Service,” includes information for
ongoing mail server maintenance and administration.
Chapter  5, “ Troubleshooting Mail Service,” helps you to resolve some of the most
common issues that may arise with Mail service.
Appendix  A, “Command-Line Parameters for the serveradmin Tool and Default Mail
Service Settings,” shows the default state of the settings you can congure from the
command line.
Appendix  B, “Sample Sieve Scripts,” provides examples of sieve scripts.
Note: Because Apple periodically releases new versions and updates to its software,
images shown in this book may be dierent from what you see on your screen.
About This Guide