Voicemail Pro Page 133
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Administration: Starting the Voicemail Pro Client Changing Between Offline and Online Mode
It can be useful to connect to a system to get the current system configuration and then disconnect and make changes
offline. You can then test configuration changes offline before applying them to a live system. If the Voicemail Pro Client
and Server are on the same machine, you can switch between online and offline mode without having to log out.
To switch between online and offline mode:
1.From the File menu, select Select Mode. The Select Voicemail Pro Client Mode window opens.
2.Select Offline to work offline or Online to connect to the server and work online. If you select Online, the
VoicemailProLogin window opens.
3.Log in as usual.
The next time you run the Voicemail Pro Client, it will start up in the mode that you used previously. When you are ready
to connect to a server you need to log in. Continue Offline Message Window
If your session expires you will be notified that the session has expired. You are then able to continue working in offline
mode or to close the application. If you select to work in offline mode, you can switch to working online. For more
information, see Changing Between Online and Offline Mode .
· Yes - Select to continue working in offline mode.
· Exit - Select to close Voicemail Pro.