Voicemail Pro Page 315
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script PositionInQueue Property
The PositionInQueue property returns the $QPOS voicemail system variable. This is the user’s current position in the
queue and is only available for queued and still queued call flows.
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: This property is read-only.
· Get: A string object containing the current value for $QPOS. For example: String = Voice.PositionInQueue Result Property
The Result property gets and sets the $RES voicemail system variable. The $RES variable contains the result property of
a call flow action. The result is action-specific, for example OK, FAILED, BUSY and so on. The call flow action is able to
use the variable to determine logic to be based upon the Result of a preceding Action, or as a temporary variable in the
VB-Script. However the variable will be overwritten after the VB Action is completed. If the values from the VB action
icon need to be passed to subsequent actions, it is advisable to use user variables.
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: A string object that contains the new value for the $RES variable. For example: Voice.Result = String
· Get: A string object containing the current value for $RES. For example: String = Voice.Result
· Example
Sub Main (dlgid)
dim registration
Set Voice = CreateObject("vmprov5.voicescript")
registration = Voice.Register(dlgid)
if registration Then
dim result
dim success
if success Then
Voice.Result = TRUE
Voice.Result = FALSE
end if
End Sub