Voicemail Pro Page 331
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script RecordMsg Method
The RecordMsg method is used to record a user’s speech input to the specified file.
recording As String,
maxtime As long,
[interruptables As String = “Any”],
[appendtofile As Boolean = False],
[dlgid As Long = 0],
[playbeep As Boolean = False]
) As String
· Parameters
· recording - This contains the name of the file for the recording to be stored to and can be in the following formats:
· [GREETING]\greeting
Stores the recording in the specified file within the greetings directory.
· [ACCOUNTS]\mailbox\message
Stores to the specified message within the specified mailbox.
· [CAMPAIGN]\campaign\message
Stores to the specified message within the specified campaign.
· If the fully qualified path is specified (drive:\path\file) then the full specified pathname is used otherwise the file is
relative to the specified locale within the WAVS directory.
· maxtime - The maximum recording length specified in seconds.
· interruptables - This is for future development and should be left as default.
· appendtofile - Set to true if the recording should be appended to the file, false to clear the file first.
· dlgid - The connection ID as passed in to the script.
· playbeep - This flag sets whether a beep is played before the start of recording.
· Return Value
The key press that was used to terminate the recording. RecordRegister Method
The RecordRegister method is used to record a user’s speech input to the specified file stored in the specified register.
regnum As Long,
[maxtime As Long = 60],
[interruptables As String = “-1”],
[dlgid As Long = 0],
[playbeep As boolean = False]
) As String
· Parameters
· regnum - Data register containing file to store recording to.
· maxtime - The maximum recording length specified in seconds.
· interruptables - This is for future development and should be left as default.
· dlgid - The connection ID as passed in to the script.
· playbeep - This flag sets whether a beep is played before the start of recording.
· Return Value
The key press that was used to terminate the recording.