Voicemail Pro Page 239
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Actions: Basic Actions
6.4.2 Speak Text
The Speak text action allows any text to be spoken to the caller. To be able to use the Speak Text action you
require TTS (Text to Speech) to be installed and licensed. For more information, see Text to Speech:Overview .
To add a Speak Text action:
1.Click the Basic Actions icon and select Speak Text.
2.Select the Specific tab.
3.Enter the text to be spoken in the Text to speak field.
· The text can include System Variables such as $CLI and variables obtained by database actions such as $DBD[1].
In the example, the contents of the database query field are spoken. The action has additional text added so that the
currency can be spoken. In this example pounds are used.
· The text can include SAPI XML tags to modify how it is spoken, see TTS SAPI Controls .
The Speak Text action only has the result Next which needs to be connected to a suitable action. For
example, the text spoken could confirm an option choice. The next action could be a Return action
to take the caller to another call flow. For more information, see Return Action .
For examples of the action in a call flow, see:
· Entering Details in to the Database .
· Returning Data from the Database .