Voicemail Pro Page 300
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
"For all new private messages".
"For all new priority private messages".
"Enter the time in second and #".
"Enter the new number and #".
"To input an outcalling number".
"Enter the number followed by #".
"Anything entered will be interpreted as part of the called number".
"No global commands, such as *4 will be accepted at this time".
"A * or # entered as the first character will result in the * or # being output".
"A * entered as part of the digit string will be interpreted as a pause of one and a half seconds.
"If a longer pause is required, use multiple stars in a row".
"To return to outcalling administration".
"Enter outcalling number and #".
"Your destination is currently configured to".
"For system outcalling schedules".
"You are specifying your outcalling time period".
"For outcalling during peak time".
"If not press *3 and re-enter time".
"For outcalling ant time press 1".
"The time you specify will be restricted by the times allowed by the system administrator".
"Outcalling specified to any time subject to administrator restrictions".
"For outcalling during prime time press 2".
"The system allows outcalls from".
"To change outcalling information press 6.
"Outcalling specified for".
"There is a message for".
"Based on an outcalling time profile which is currently configured as follows".
"Your outcalling time profile is currently configured as follows".
"Your outcalling time profile is not configured".
"You are specifying the time for outcalling time profile".
"To leave the current time profile".
"To change the time profile".
"The time should be entered as follows: hour, hour, minute, minute, where the hours are given in 24
hour format. For example, 5 past 1 in the afternoon would be entered as 1305".
"You are configuring outcalling time profile".
"The end time should be greater than the start time".
"You are modifying your personal settings".
"You are modifying your callback options".
"You are modifying your do not disturb options".
"You are modifying your email mode options".
"You are modifying your follow me forward options".
"You are modifying your mobile twinning options".
"You are modifying your voicemail transfer options".
"To modify your personal settings".