Voicemail Pro Page 243
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Actions: Basic Actions
6.4.5 Disconnect
The Disconnect action disconnects the caller.
To add a Disconnect action:
1.Click the Basic Actions icon and select Disconnect.
The caller will be disconnected when they reach this point of a call flow.
6.4.6 Home
The Home action returns the caller to the start point of the calls entry into voicemail. The PIN option in the General
tab is not used for this action.
To add a Home action:
1.Click the Basic Actions icon and select Home.
Connect an action to the Home action. The caller will be returned to the start point of the call entry into
the voicemail. For an example of the action being used in a call flow, see Using a Play Configuration
Menu Action .
6.4.7 Module Return
The Module Return action is used within modules only. It creates a connection point from the module to subsequent
actions within any call flow that uses the module. A module can use several Module Return actions if necessary. The
Module Return action has no properties.
To add a Module Return action:
1.Click the Basic Actions icon and select Module Return.
Connect an action result to the Module Return action. For examples of the action being used in a
call flow, see Changing the Language of System Prompts and User Defined Variables .
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