Voicemail Pro Page 345
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Examples: IVR: Connecting Voicemail Pro to a Database
Collect Callers Details
Details can be entered into a database by a caller. In this example we collect the caller's credit card number, expiry date
and telephone number. All these details are collected and then the database is updated. The example below shows the
Specific tab entry used to collect the caller's telephone number and assign it to the system variable CP4.
When all the details have been collected, the database needs to be updated. The database Execute Action is used. When
entering information into the specific tab for the first time you are taken through a series of steps.
1.Select the Database Execute icon.
2.At the SQL Function window the option to 'Insert …values' was chosen as information needs to be added to the
3.Details are then entered into the SQL Wizard, as shown below. When the Database table is selected, the list of fields
contained within the table is inserted.
4.When the details have been entered the SQL wizard is closed. The specific tab of the action will contain the command
to execute, see example shown below.