System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual Layouts and Snapshots
10.1 Layouts
A system with 24 Strips and 96 channels cannot map all channels to the console surface
at once. Since each Strip can have two channels (Main and Swap), two Layouts are re-
quired to map all 96 channels:
1. Channels 1–24 to Strips 1–24 Main
Channels 25–48 to Strips 1–24 Swap
2. Channels 49–72 to Strips 1–24 Main
Channels 73–96 to Strips 1–24 Swap
A group of channels sharing a common attribute that are normally required on the con-
sole at the same time (i.e., drums, vocals, or dialogue) are ideally stored in a Layout.
The Layouts Panel provides the interface to name, store, modify, and recall up to 48
channel-to-strip maps.
10.1.1 Create a New Layout
1. From the Main Panel, press the Layout key to display the Layout Panel.
The button beside the last Layout recalled is illuminated.
2. Press the New key at the bottom-left of the Layout Panel.
The key flashes to signify creation of a new Layout.
3. Select the channels to include in the new Layout:
Press the ALL key at the bottom-right of the Layout Panel to select all console
Press the Wave key for each Strip to include in the Layout.