System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual Introduction
How to Use the PDF
The Acrobat PDF version of this manual provided in your system can be a valuable “on-
line help” learning tool while using System 5. We have included some amenities that
we wish to explain for those not familiar with Acrobat:
• The Bookmarks on the left serve as a continuously visible table of contents
while reading. Click on a subject heading to jump to that page. Click a + sym-
bol to expand that heading to show subheadings. Click the - symbol to collapse
the subheadings.
• The manual’s table of contents and list of figures are “active links” to their pages.
Select the “hand” cursor, allow it to hover over the heading and turn into a “fin-
ger.” Then click to locate to that subject and page.
• All cross references are active links. Allow the “hand” cursor to hover over the
reference, turn into a “finger,” and click to follow the reference.
• Use the left and right arrow keys on the top bar to go back and forth between
views. This is a great way to follow a cross reference and return to the page
from which you were reading.
• Select the Find item from the Edit menu (Ctrl-F) to search for a subject. This
can be used as an “index on the fly.”
• Use the magnifying glass tool or the zoom edit box on the top bar to zoom in/
out. This is helpful when examining a complex graphic or setting the text size
for easy reading online.
Acrobat Reader version 5 or later is required to open the PDF. This can be downloaded
for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.