
System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual GPI/O Event System
11.9.3 Move a Fader to Start a Cart Machine
This example demonstrates how to start a Cart machine by moving a fader above a
selected level.
1. In the Event Configuration window, under Event List, click on the <click to
add event> field.
The Add Event dialog appears.
2. Select AND as the logical operator from the dropdown menu.
3. Under Input, click on the <click to add input> field.
The Add Input Event dialog appears.
4. Select Fader from the dropdown menu and click OK.
5. Configure the Input Properties to the following settings:
Channel # 2
Activation level (dB) -50
Activation Type Above
6. Under Output, click on the <click to add output> field.
The Add Output Event dialog appears.
7. Select GPO from the dropdown menu and click OK.
8. Configure the Output Properties to the following settings:
Output Number 1
Active State Closed
Pulse Length 10
Machine GP132 One