System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual eMix Application
In an analog studio, the patchbay is hardwired to all the equipment supplied with the
room. The multitrack is normalled to the console line inputs, the mics to the console
mic inputs, and the outboard gear is ready to be patched into channels.
System 5-B must be initially set up so all studio equipment appears on the PatchNet
screen labelled and normalled correctly for a session. This basic wiring information is
stored in the Title Default so these settings can be used when starting a new session with
a new Title. To set up the System 5-B studio wiring and set the Title Default, see Title
Defaults on page 36.
Enter PatchNet by clicking the PatchNet tab at the bottom of the eMix screen. PatchNet
has four categories: Console I/O, Device Inputs, Device Outputs, and Cabling.
4.2.1 Console I/O
Click Console I/O on the upper-left of the PatchNet window, then click A and B Inputs
from the sub-categories below it (Figure 4-8). Click in the Name field and type a name
for a channel. This is where connections to the channel’s A and B inputs are made.
Figure 4-8 Console I/O A and B inputs Window