System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual eMix Application
4.2.6 Monitor Patching
The monitor outputs are automatically routed to the MC524 Monitor Controller sup-
plied with System 5-B and are ready to be normalled to the speaker inputs. The monitor
feeds are also available within PatchNet for routing to other destinations, if necessary.
Click on the Console I/O category and the Monitor Busses sub-category. This window
shows all 22 monitor feeds:
Table 4-1 Monitor Bussses
The Cascade inputs allow for direct bus injection prior to the insert point into all mon-
itor signal paths.
4.2.7 Solo Bus and Utility Patching
The Solo Busses sub-category in Console I/O allows custom patching into the stereo
Solo Bus.
The Utility Sources sub-category includes the Oscillator output. The Utility Destina-
tions sub-category includes the Slate In which must be patched to the Talkback mic
feed from the Monitor Interface.
4.2.8 Talkback Signal Patching
The two talkback mics are wired to the MC524 Monitor Controller. They are summed
and amplified to produce a single talkback signal. This analog signal must be fed into
the system through an AM713 Analog to MADI converter.
To send talkback to the busses, this signal must be patched to the Slate Input (in the
Utility Destinations subcategory of the Console I/O category). Note which AM713
analog-to-MADI converter input the talkback signal has been hardwired to and patch
that channel to the Slate Input.
Monitor Busses Format
1–8 Control Room L, C, R, Sl, Sr, Bm, X, Y
9–16 Mon A L, C, R, Sl, Sr, Bm, X, Y
17–18 Mon B L, R
19–20 Mon C L, R
21–22 Mon D L, R