
System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual Quickstart to Common Task
Figure 3-2 Device Outputs page in PatchNet
Route to the Mix Bus
1. Press the Channel On switches for each CD channel (CDL and CDR).
2. Select the Mix button on channels 1 and 2 (CDL and CDR).
3. Select the In key for the B Mix Bus (defaults to stereo).
4. In the Master Section, press the CR Source key to display the Mix sections in
the Panel Viewer. Select the B Source.
5. Move the channel 1 and 2 faders up.
6. Press both channel’s Pan buttons and set to L and R, respectively.
7. In the Master Section, press the CR Output key to display the output formats
in the Panel Viewer and select Stereo.
8. Turn off the Cut button and use the Main Monitor knob in the Master Section
to adjust the control room monitor level.