System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual eMix Application
4.6 Folddown
Click the Folddown tab at the bottom of any eMix window to display the Folddown
window (Figure 4-19). This window allows you to set rules by which one monitor output
format (Format In along the left) is converted to a different format (Format Out on top).
For example, to convert a 5.1-channel mix to LCRS, you could map the Boom channel
to all channels attenuated by 6 dB and the Sl and Sr to the S channel without attenuation.
To maintain all audio information present in the original format, each Format In
channel is usually mapped to some channel(s) in the Format Out. However, this is not
mandatory: One might choose to omit the Boom channel because the speakers in the
output format cannot handle bass below a certain frequency.
Click in any cell and type in the amount of attenuation (-17 tο 0 dB) that the Format In
channel will undergo as it is routed to the Format Out channel. Click and drag across
multiple cells to enter an amount for all selected cells. Right-click on selected cells to
display a menu with two options:
• Clear: Clears values so no signal is routed.
• Default: Sets cells to their factory default values. This occurs even in a stored
There are 24 presets available to store and recall different Folddown settings. The Recall
Preset and Store Preset buttons are on the top-right of the window.
Figure 4-19 Folddown window