
Chapter 5 79
Configuration utilities
Figure 32 ts_config node configuration panel
Step 3. Enter a name for the V2500/V2600 System. The SSP uses this name as
the “Complex Name” and to generate the IP host names of the Diagnostic
and OBP LAN interfaces. Select a short name that SSP users can easily
relate to the associated system (for example:
hw2a, swtest, etc.).
Step 4. Select an appropriate serial connection for the V2500/V2600 console from
the pop-down option menu in the node configuration panel.
ts_config automatically assigns the first unused serial port. If the
terminal mux has been configured, the terminal mux ports are included
in the list of available serial connections.
The IP address information for the Diagnostic interface is provided. The
ts_config utility automatically changes the IP address of the
diagnostic LAN interface to prevent a duplicate when other nodes are
added to this SSP configuration.
ts_config automatically updates the local /etc/hosts file with the
names and addresses of the Diagnostic and OBP LAN interfaces.
Step 5. Click “Configure.”
This updates several SSP files. The node configuration confirmation
panel appears as the one in Figure 33.