Chapter 3 47
SSP operation
Using the console
For example:
COMPLEX_NAME = [Select from colossus, guardian]
Step 3. Start the console. Enter:
NOTE Running sppconsole without any additional parameters defaults to
Node 0 in the current complex. sppconsole 2 would start a console on
Node 2.
The new sppconsole window appears.
In the example above, even if the user’s "default complex" is set to
colossus, the user could start a console on guardian Node 0 by entering
the Node Name in the following format:
Complex Name-nnnn
where nnnn is the Node ID extended to four digits and zero-filled on the
left. These names can be viewed using jf-ccmd-info or ts_config.
For example:
sppconsole guardian-0000
To start a console on Node 2 of the complex named guardian enter:
sppconsole guardian-0002
Starting the console using ts_config
This method of starting the console works from the SSP or after logging
on from another system.
To start a console session from within ts_config, complete the
following steps:
Step 1. Move the pointer over the CDE workspace backdrop.
Step 2. Press and hold down any mouse button. The Workspace (root) menu
Step 3. Drag the mouse pointer to the ts_config (root) option.
Step 4. Release the mouse button to select the option.