Appendix A 175
LED codes
CUB detected ambient air errors
CUB detected ambient air errors
This section describes air errors detected by the monitoring utilities chip
(MUC) on the core utilities board after power-on.
Table 20 CUB detects ambient air error
LED Fault Symptoms Corrective action
62 Ambient hot 1. Ambient air too hot.
2. Core utilities board (CUB) powers
down system.
3. Should have received “ambient
air too warm” error 69 prior to
this error.
• Check site temperature.
• Call the Response
1. MidPlane (MIB) too hot.
2. Core utilities board (CUB) sensed
overtemp on MidPlane power
board (MIBPB) and powers down
the system.
• Check that airflow is not
• Check fans.
• Call the Response
64 QUADRL 0 1. Board overheated in Quadrant 0.
2. Core utilities board (CUB) sensed
overtemp in Quadrant 0 and
powers down the system.
Call the Response Center.
65 QUADRU 1 1. Board overheated in Quadrant 1.
2. Core utilities board (CUB) sensed
overtemp in Quadrant 1 and
powers down the system.
Call the Response Center.
66 QUADLL 2 1. Board overheated in Quadrant 2.
2. Core utilities board (CUB) sensed
overtemp in Quadrant 2 and
powers down the system.
Call the Response Center.
67 QUADLU 3 1. Board overheated in Quadrant 3.
2. Core utilities board (CUB) sensed
overtemp in Quadrant 3 and
powers down the system.
Call the Response Center.