Chapter 5 101
Configuration utilities
If started with no options, ccmd disassociates itself from the terminal or
window where it was started. It instead reports to the console window
and the file /spp/data/ccmd_log.
If ccmd is sent a SIGHUP, it regenerates the database.
All scan-based operations require ccmd. If POST is unable to run, then
ccmd is not able to read configuration data and some system information
is not accessible.
ccmd works in co-operation with most utilities to share a common
ethernet port and Diagnostic (DART) bus. In general, the scan data is
sent via UDP. The DART bus should be separate from any general
purpose ethernet bus. If the DART bus is improperly set-up, ccmd cannot
run properly.
Since ccmd can become corrupted by bad data, it may be necessary to kill
the ccmd process to refresh the SSPs configuration image. Killing the
ccmd process is not always enough. If the “heart beat” LED from the
SCUB is not functioning then ccmd is unable to communicate with the
system. A ping command to the SCUB will not be successful either. In
this case, the system or node must be powered down to reset the SCUB
and re-establish communication with the SSP.